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JC 4x4 Cold Room Cooled

Vendido e enviado pela JC Câmaras Frigoríficas©

Montagem: Sem Montagem
R$ 37.050,98

em até 12x de R$ 3.754,81

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Cold Room JC 06R-ESP 4x4 Standard Cooled Panels without Floor with Elgin Cond 220V mono

Perfect for your business!

If you are looking for a more efficient and economical solution for your business, this is the ideal equipment. The JC Cold Room is perfect for preserving large quantities of products and food, chilled or frozen.

They are built with double-sided insulation panels and have an excellent finish, and can be assembled according to the size you need.

The internal space allows for better distribution of products and all this with low energy consumption, due to the excellent dimensioning of the refrigeration system.

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